Wie lange würdet ihr brauchen (Python/PHP)?

Da ihr meine Lerngeschwindigkeit, Zeit usw. alles nicht kennt, würde ich gerne wissen, wie lange ihr selber brauchen würdet wenn ihr Python oder PHP neu lernen müsstet, auf ein Niveau, dass ihr folgende Sachen sicher programmieren könntet:

  • Kontaktformular
  • Newsletter
  • User-Logins
  • Shop-Systeme
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6 months ago

If you want to do everything alone, it’s not enough. You also need to be able to use HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, Database Design, UI, UX, Tests, etc. pp. So, Full Stack.

There’s something in front of you, but you don’t have to be perfect. And, for example, a completely own shop system is never done anyway, because it is too extensive and there is enough on the market that you will fit better.

I can’t call you a number, but if that’s your thing and you’re enjoying it, then you can certainly learn a lot in a year and start your first small projects.

Tip: You don’t have to know everything, you just need to know where to find it. And so I don’t mean ChatGPT and Co. but docus and tutorials like:





6 months ago
Reply to  Babelfish

Yeah, well, I think a team of programmers would be better. I would think that if I could control what they all program

6 months ago

Only the last two points are topics where you can sink into months or years, even if you can program them perfectly.

However, no one is programmed today, except companies that offer these things.

This usually involves the integration and configuration of finished solutions.

Of course, you have many, many more problems related to these things. Often you learn how to work like a certain framework in the language, otherwise you have some problems to solve before a user ever comes to these points.

But I’ll say, if you’re going into a language that I don’t have any idea of, which might have a different syntax than the languages that I know or another paradigm, then I’ll probably need four weekends until I can move in there in halfway safely and get the stuff in there and adjust everything around it as desired.

But that’s just because I have all the knowledge about it and can program it. Otherwise, you could probably just throw up a year.

6 months ago

Your first 3 expectations can be made in PHP after a few days. Not particularly beautiful and neither elegant nor refined.

For a “shop system” that does not only consist of PHP, I would estimate a few years.

6 months ago

Don’t forget to learn databases here.

Something superficially the question – but here you can sink a lot of time.

Especially if you want a clean development.

6 months ago
Reply to  cleanercode

Yes I know I want to use MySql