Wie lange wird die B747-400 von Lufthansa noch eingesetzt?
Hab gesehen das die solange fliegen bis die Boing 777-9 kommt. Würde mich über Informative Antworten freuen💯
Hab gesehen das die solange fliegen bis die Boing 777-9 kommt. Würde mich über Informative Antworten freuen💯
Wenn sich die Flügel in der Luft bewegen, im Wind wackeln. Die Landschaft unter einem Dahinzieht. Ich kriege nicht genug davon.
Ich suche nach einer möglichkeit das Handy ganz oben am Vordersitz (Ryanair) zu befestigen um beim gucken von einer Serie keine Nackenschmerzen zu bekommen. Gibt es vlt eine Handyhalterung die stabil genug ist oder habt ihr Kreative DIY Tips wie ihr das macht? Hatte an ein Magnet oder einen Saugnapf gedacht. Allerdings weiß ich nicht…
Hi, Ich glaube, Langstreckenpiloten der Lufthansa haben 2 Tage Aufenthalt bei ihrem Zielort, fliegen dann zurück, bleiben 2 Tage zuhause und immer so weiter. Stimmt das? Und bekommen die Piloten ein Hotel von der Airline bezahlt oder sind sie auf sich allein gestellt? Vielen Dank für Antworten
Ne Freundin ist mit mir in meinem Heimatland zu Besuch. Sie ist nachgeflogen und wollte gestern zurück. Auf dem Weg zum Flughafen war so ein Stau das sie ihren Flug bei Eurowings verpasst hat. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das sie ihr Flug Geld ganz oder teilweise zurück bekommt
Titel und damit auch nach weg fliegen etc..
muss morgen beim Umsteigen den Flughafen wechseln
Up to new aircraft are delivered e.g. the 777x
At some point, maintenance costs are very high, and a 747 400 lot of kerosene is also consumed.
Still the most beautiful ever built plane for me.
Probably as long as a (very expensive) greater maintenance of the engines is due.
Because the engines are the more expensive on this plane, not the rest.
In order to extend the service life, engines of 747-400 shut down can also be ibalized, of which there are many on aircraft scrap sites.
Nobody can tell you that. I would like to appreciate those being gradually excreted by the 777 and 787
Well, I’d like to see Lufthansa 757, 767 or A300. Or would like to see the Cargo MD-11 (my absolute favorite Airliner). But the planes have served Lufthansa, the passengers and the crew have safely taken from A to B. Vllt’s going to fly her as cargo with other Airines.
Definitely not long! The 747-400 has been on the hump for several years and will be uneconomical in the long term, as older aircraft and, above all, 4 jet machines are very maintenance-intensive and are characterized by a fairly high fuel consumption. More and more airlines rely on 2 long-range jets, such as the Boeing 777 or 787 or the Airbus A350 or A330neo. I believe that until the complete delivery of the remaining 787-9 machines and at the beginning of the 777-9 delivery, the old 747-400 will be withdrawn from the passenger traffic at Lufthansa. However, I still believe that Lufthansa has a use for the 747-400 machines that are then being used in freight transport. The 747 is an ideal freight machine and is ideally suited for this task due to its size. I think that the last 747-400 machines will gradually be redesigned by 2025 and replaced by the new Boeings 787-9 and 777-9 and that many transatlantic routes will be taken over by the new machines in the USA and Canada.
Good answer!! Thank you
I don’t give the 747-400 a long time. Some machines including D-ABVK have already been designed. Perhaps they can still be converted into freighters, but no longer.
Yes, as far as I know they will fly so long until the b777-x is here
At least the 748 remains. It’s just a pity that the D-ABVW disappears.
I didn’t know
D-ABVW Is a 744 what is this machine has only until the 77X is there. What I find a pity that it disappears is the only machine that I know has been sponsored in construction. This is called Wolfsburg and carries the identification D-ABVW.
As a passenger pilot, I don’t think so long. After all, the flyer is a child of the 80s. It is said to be roughly swept over the thumb that such an aircraft is over 40 years of service. half of it as a passenger pilot.
So I guess, except for a few freight machines and very few passenger machines, no more of them should be in service.
I found it extremely fascinating that after felt eternity the A380 was laid by the announcement, the 1990s after “only” 13 years of construction ad akta. by 2035 or so there may be some copies flying as a passenger machine. if nothing comes in.
Lg, Anna