How long should I wait before restocking after recovering from neon disease?
Hello everyone,
Unfortunately, 30 of my red neons died of neon disease. Only 7 survived. They've been swimming in a quarantine tank for about 2 weeks. I've now bought 50 new red neons, all of them perfectly healthy. How long should I wait until I can add the 7 neons from the quarantine tank to the new 50? Or is it even worth the risk? They actually look healthy, but I've read that they can carry the bacteria for a long time and thus infect healthy fish. I'm worried that all the new fish will die again… Or can I be sure that nothing will happen?
Das ist einfach. NIEMALS.
Halte die 7 Fische separat in einem 54 l und achte auch darauf keine Keime bei der Beckenpflege zu übertragen oder mit deinen Händen.