Wie lange warten auf Steuernummer vom Finanzamt?


ich habe ein Gewerbe angemeldet. Nun habe ich die Steuernummer für das Gewerbe beim Finanzamt beantragt. Wie lange dauert es so ungefähr bis ich die Steuernummer bekomme?

Darf ich so schon arbeiten auch ohne Steuernummer, mein Gewerbe ist ja angemeldet.

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2 years ago

How long does it take to get the tax number?

2 weeks to 2 months

It’s hard to answer.

May I already work without a tax number, my business is registered.

Yes you may

Your invoices should only contain the indication that the tax number will be returned as soon as it is available.

2 years ago

Yes, of course you can work!

Tax number should come 4 to 6 weeks after registration. But at the moment they are probably busy with all the basic tax returns. 🤔

2 years ago
Reply to  Stinke

Where does she stand?

2 years ago
Reply to  Stinke

Write, “Control number follows”. If she’s here, you’ll rewrite the bill. But with the old date, for possible deadlines.

If I remember correctly, you don’t need to write the tax number on small amounts up to 200 euros. Ask the FA or the tax advisor.

2 years ago
Reply to  myzyny04

These are completely different areas of work.

2 years ago
Reply to  grossefrau681

It was more than a joke.

2 years ago

As you and anTTraXX have already mentioned.

2 years ago

I believe that only 31 paragraph 5 UStDV should be made aware of this (even if it is difficult to read).

Simplified: The tax number is normally a mandatory entry on the invoice. But if you don’t have one yet, it’s not yet possible.

Therefore, there is the possibility to correct the invoice afterwards by “retaining missing information (e.g. the tax number).

So it’s not bad for you to issue an invoice without the tax number. But you should just point out that it is being followed.

2 years ago

Right! But what do you want to tell us about it?!

2 years ago

VAT Implementation Regulation (UStDV)

§ 31 Information in the invoice

(1) An invoice may consist of several documents from which the documents referred to in § 14 para. 4 of the law. In one of these documents, the fee and the tax amount dispensed with must be given in each case in summary and all other documents must be identified from which the other information is referred to in § 14 para. 4 of the law. The information must be easily and clearly verifiable.

(2) The requirements of § 14 para. 4 sentence 1 No 1 of the law is sufficient if the name and address of both the undertaking and the recipient can be clearly identified on the basis of the names included in the invoice.

(3) For the 4 sentence 1 and 5 of the law may be used for abbreviations, letters, numbers or symbols if their significance is clearly defined in the invoice or in other documents. The necessary other documents must be available both to the exhibitor and to the recipient of the invoice.

(4) As the time of delivery or other performance (§ 14 para. 4 sentence 1 no. 6 of the law) can be specified the calendar month in which the performance is executed.

(5) An invoice may be corrected if:


they do not all the information according to § 14 para. 4 or § 14a of the law; or


Information in the invoice is not applicable.

Only the missing or inaccurate information must be transmitted by a document specifically and clearly related to the invoice. The same requirements as in § 14 of the law apply.

2 years ago

Thank you.

2 years ago

Don’t talk. You lost.

2 years ago

the employer of the tax office Granted Tax number or the Federal Central Office for Taxes Granted VAT identification number

it often depends on the fact that you also understand read things.

2 years ago

Last attempt:

(4) An invoice shall contain the following information:

1. the full name and address of the undertaking and the beneficiary;

Two. the tax number granted to the employer by the tax office or the VAT identification number issued by the Federal Central Office for Taxes;

3. the date of issue,

4.a continuous number with one or more rows of numbers which are uniquely assigned by the invoice issuer to identify the invoice (calculation number),

Five.the quantity and type (commercial name) of the delivered goods or the extent and type of other performance,

6.the date of delivery or other service; in the cases referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 5, the date of collection of the fee or part of the fee, provided that the date of collection is fixed and does not correspond to the date of issue of the invoice,

7.the payment for the delivery or other service (§ 10) broken down according to tax rates and individual tax exemptions, and any reduction in the remuneration agreed in advance, unless already taken into account in the fee;

8.the tax rate to be applied and the tax amount due to the payment or, in the case of a tax exemption, an indication that a tax exemption applies to the delivery or other service;


Leave me alone!

2 years ago

I know him of course – and that’s something else.

2 years ago

14 UstG.

2 years ago

The next joke – haha

2 years ago

A few weeks.