Wie lange vorher Koffer packen?

Am Samstag verreise ich für knapp 3 Wochen. Heute fragte meine Nachbarin scherzhaft, ob ich schon gepackt habe? Diese Frage ich schon oft gehört. Wie ist das bei euch? Packt man schon Tage vorher? Also, ich bin schon oft verreist, und habe immer am Tag der Abreise gepackt. Da ich erst am Samstag Nachmittag das Haus verlasse, packe ich erst am Vormittag meinen Koffer, also am gleichen Tag erst. Das habe ich immer so gemacht. Und nein, ich habe noch nie was vergessen, wenn ich verreist bin 🙂 Und ganz ehrlich, das Packen dauert doch nicht ewig. Genügend Klamotten und dann ein paar Dinge wie Kamera, Hygieneartikel etc. Ich brauche, wenn es hoch kommt, keine Stunde bis ich alles zusammengesucht, sortiert und gepackt habe. Dann brauche ich nicht schon Tage vorher packen. Packt ihr (lange) vorher?

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10 years ago

I also always pack on the same day or the day before (depending on the time of departure). Since I have a family, I always make a list of things I like to leave (e.g. camera, charging cable or babyphone).

10 years ago

I always pack 1-2 days before, so that there is no stress and I really have everything. But must also pack for two people.

10 years ago

I’ve always been packing a few days before. It’s not a reason. When I pack, I’ll have anticipation and I’ll be excited because it’s going on soon. I think everyone decides for themselves

10 years ago

Certain things I don’t want to forget I’m ready before; maybe go for sure that favorite clothes are parat … you can pack the suitcase in your head even before “, that has always helped me. Seriously, I just need to see if everything fits in;o) LG and good travel

10 years ago

I think everyone has their own rhythm. I always pack 1 day before departure, but this is left to everyone. Most pack before departure to forget nix. Maybe your neighbour would think so.

2 years ago

I’ll pack my case two to three weeks before. Since I’m still working until I leave. So Saturday last working day and Sunday morning at seven o’clock we go. That’s how I got it every year.

10 years ago

This year I packed my suitcase on Saturday, although the trip started on Monday morning. But it was also easier because I needed only T-shirts and other summer clothes for the trip, so things I didn’t use at home anyway

I’ve already made a pack list in my PC years ago, which I just have to print out and possibly add. Otherwise I’ll forget something. These are usually such things that you don’t even think about, which are just there, e.g. socks, tempos, shower room and so on.

Of course you can pack right before the trip. But I find it stressful and will pack a day more often in the future.

10 years ago

Don’t talk in, do as you think!

10 years ago

I always pack after the shower, about half an hour before I leave….

10 years ago

I always pack myself the day. Only if I have to go in the morning, I’ll pack in the evening.

10 years ago

I always pack in the night before…