Wie lange Verdauerungsprobleme?
Ich habe letztens was gegessen das ca 1 Woche jetzt und danach hatte ich Durchfall
jetzt hab ich jeden Tag so ein komisches Gefühl im Magen Darm Bereich irgendwie so wie wenn man nicht gegessen hat aber gleichzeitig auch das man auf Toilette muss
habe mir gestern Buspoban gekauft damit gehts
Was könnte das sein kann ein Magen so lange noch von einem Essen gereizt sein
Durchfall hab ich eigentlich keinen mehr ist aber auch nicht wirklich fest
I think it is unlikely that this is still coming from the food a week ago! Can also be a light stomach intestine. Get Iberogast Classic Drop. There’s nothing wrong with that. Would help both things. Digestive problems and stomach intestine! In mucosa irritation, too.
Okay thank you
If you worry, go to the doctor. He knows more.
What I know is good digestion is important. You should eat whole grains every day, fruits and vegetables. Yoghurt too. And drink enough: 2 to 3 liters should it be. And then you have to move enough, otherwise your body does not work properly. You don’t need anything from the pharmacy.
I’m not here from Monday 2 weeks
So what? Health is going on.
There’s only one doctor to help you. Maybe you can’t start your holiday.
I think you understand me wrong
It’s about what I really want to know before vacation, what it’s because the question here is whether someone has a clue
Wouldn’t like to go on holiday and if I’m thinking somewhere oh I have to go to the bathroom and have a stomachache or a stomachache. the feeling
Why don’t you start the diet today? That’s possible.
We have weekend otherwise I would go to mine
You can also feed on holiday, move and visit the doctor beforehand. What does it say?
Yes I can no longer cancel a holiday because of digestive problems I think it will be better in the next days