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Urintest erforderlich bei Nachschulungskurs nach §70 FeV?
Hallo liebe Community.. Ich muss wegen THC, nach meiner MPU einen Nachschulungskurs nach §70 FeV absolvieren. Ich habe zur MPU fast zwei Jahre Abstinenz nachgewiesen, und hatte gehört, dass man bei dem Nachschulungskurs keinen weiteren Test mehr nachweisen bzw machen muss, da die Glaubwürdigkeit des Drogenverzichts ja durch das MPU-Gutachten bereits bestätigt wurde.. Nun habe…
I’ve done all this with an exam at once…
Don’t miss so much.
I can still make the big bus ticket, and the big truck…
This would be another 2 tests, with the bus appearing to be with the big truck – except for the passenger transport license.
The SBF lake and inland, I still have, only no real flight license…
In addition:
I started with the KFZ appearances in 1991, after the winter break – so all in all I might need 4 months, for the car unfortunately but 2 exams, otherwise I would have been finished in early May…
(Thanks for the star)
You start with 15 and you’re finished with 21. Half a year before driving, you can start training in your respective level.
You make several notes at once… The B, for example, contains the AM and the L…
And when you start with 16, you can do the A1 that in turn contains the AM.
It doesn’t matter how you’re doing it. Of course you can do CE and DE with 20.5. Just don’t do it in time. Finally, you make the AM with 14.5. You can only drive the big stuff at 21. There are many possibilities. I was allowed to drive with 15 mopeds, with 18 motorbike cars and trucks. At 37, I made the COM. You can naturally learn professional drivers and have everything in your pocket with 18. You want to prefer it to 18. You want to know the theoretically feasible, that actually depends on necessity.
I do not want the questioner to know that;-)
6 years
Can you explain these six years in more detail?