Wie lange schreiben für BA?
Ich muss eine Bachelorarbeit im Bereich Maschinenbau schreiben. Umfang ca. 50-60 Seiten. Würdet ihr sagen, dass es realistisch ist, das in ca. 3-4 Wochen zu schaffen, wenn der Inhalt schon fertig ist und im Prinzip nur noch alles runter geschrieben werden muss?
If you want to completely dispense with your free time etc. Better take more time. Everything also needs a few iterations or Your “correct readers” don’t always have time.
Question: How realistic is it that the whole content is already finished?
For example, if I consider what I once had as a sting-point list, what I want to write in the introduction and what sources I had for it… and what kind of introduction has happened in practice: about twice as much. Because you’ll quickly remember this and that you should introduce and explain where you might prefer to define a formula again… and for all that you’re going to find sources… Then you’ll let the whole thing read someone’s correction and you’ll get some stuff that’s missing…
So I would have done just to write down my introduction, I would have definitely suffered shipwreck.
The rest, i.e. method, result and discussion, is as fast as you can tap. 50 pages in three weeks should not be difficult even for a slow tipper.