Wie lange Rechnung nicht bezahlen möglich?
Hey ihr Lieben🥰
Ich habe vergessen, dass Netflix und Spotify noch abgebucht wurde heute und kann deshalb eine Rechnung nicht bezahlen, für einen Pulli den ich mir online bestellt habe. Leider hatte ich die Rechnung ein bisschen vergessen und hab heute als E-Mail eine Zahlungserinnerung bekommen😬
Wie lange kann ich das jetzt noch ausreizen bzw was passiert überhaupt, wenn ich erstmal nicht bezahle? Ich werde die Rechnung natürlich bezahlen, aber bekomme erst nächste Woche Freitag wieder Geld, also erst in 9 Tagen. Bekomme ich bis dahin schon Ärger oder geht das noch?😕
Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen… habe bestimmt was nicht erwähnt, also stellt auch gerne Rückfragen!! Dankeschön🫶🏼
Is a specific payment target determined in the purchase agreement (or in the terms of the trader’s terms of service) calorie? If not, the payment will be delayed only if you receive a reminder, but no later than 30 days if you have been notified here (§ 286 BGB).
I assume that the payment reminder is not yet a reminder, but only a courteous memory à la “sometimes it happens that you forget an invoice, we understand it?” In this case, as I said, the above applies. Just call the dealer once in doubt and ask for the specific payment destination again. If you cannot comply with this, try to find a solution with the dealer; also on the part of the trader, there should be an interest, in other words, to initiate a dunning procedure in a very complicated manner.
Okay thank you very much
As far as I know, there is no difference between a payment reminder and a reminder… the former sounds just more friendly. In practice, it has established that, after a payment reminder, a reminder takes place 20-30 days later. So that should be enough, but I recommend to pay immediately.
got a payment reminder today as an email
and there’s no need to pay.
Well, it says that I definitely overlooked the bill (as if the thoughts could read) and that I should pay now. I would like to pay as soon as possible, but just don’t have enough money.
as if thoughts could read
No, they can’t, but their database will notice if your payment has not been received; You seem to have no idea about the accounting of a company!
You should keep an eye on your obligations.
This is just a reminder now, after which comes the first reminder.
Your parents can’t borrow money?
But I could already, but then I will certainly get trouble for it and I would rather be able to pay it myself
Payment methods are usually included in the invoice. you’re already called, next comes the collection, or even more. Mahnbescheid.