Wie lange Pause wenn man MDMA öfter konsumieren möchte?
Hallo,ein paar Bekannte und ich haben angefangen uns für MDMA zu interessieren, wir haben auch schon andere Rauschmittel konsumiert und stehen fest im Leben, nutzen die Rauschmittel nur an Wochenenden oder bei gemeinsamen Abenden an denen wir uns treffen und beim buffen einen Film schauen.
Wir konnten online nichts darüber finden wie lange man pause machen sollte wenn man vor hat MDMA öfter zu konsumieren.
Keiner von uns hat vor daran das leben zu verlieren deswegen wüssten wir das gerne im voraus. Leider hat keiner von uns Kontakte zu jemandem der sich damit auskennt und wissen somit nicht was in diesem Fall die beste Länge einer Pause wäre.
Kann uns da jemand weiterhelfen?Wäre sehr nett
The general recommendation is to stop at least 3 months after a MDMA experience before taking MDMA again. The more time passes, the better for the brain and the neurotransmitter balance, which is heavily overstressed by the use of MDMA.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
And please also think about drug checking: https://www.eve-rave.org/drogen-abc/drugchecking/
And how is it if you consume MDMA on a day and would like to do it again the next day?
Thanks very much ⭐
Then, on the one hand, a reduced action must be expected. What is due to the fact that MDMA acts via a distribution of body-specific messengers. These are not available in any quantity in the body, but have to be re-imagined by this. According to MDMA, where about 80% of serotonin is consumed, renewal can take weeks and months.
On the other hand, this is not a low load for the body to which it should not be considered excessively. MDMA is also suspected of being neurotoxic, so that neurons can harm in the long term. There should also be people who were permanently emotionally disturbed after one-time or rare use.
MDMA is primarily a so-called serotonin release agent. Wants MDMA to release up to 80% of the body’s reserves of serotonin*. This is the actual trip. If the effect decreases, the serotonin level drops rapidly and the reserves are consumed. This explains the usual low consisting of drivelessness and depressive detunements in the days after consumption. These symptoms usually go back after a few days, but until the brain has restored the chemical balance and the serotonin memory is refilled it takes an average of 4-6 weeks.
In other words, in the ideal case, there is a minimum between the individual consumer units. 4-6 weeks. If one consumes MDMA too often or in too high doses, long-term damage such as chronic depression etc. are not excluded. The same applies to occasional consumption by persons who have a predisposition to depression.
Here a good information page about MDMA without a moral apostle.
Finally, a preventive note: MDMA must not be consumed together with other serogenic substances (e.g. antidepressants). There is a risk of a potentially life-threatening serotonin syndrome.
*Ferners are also released increased amounts of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline and also dopamine at a lower level.
The fact that you are thinking about it clearly means that you are standing short of dependence
You should check the definition of “dependence”.
If you’re stuck in life and you’re supposed to stay like that, MDMA is likely to forbid itself.
Here is everything you need to know:
MDMA | Drugcouts.de
Don’t consume.