Wie lange müsste man rauchen um lungenkrebs zu kriegen?
Ich rauche jetzt schon seit ca. 1 Jahr und 2 Monate aber hatte (4 Monate Raucher pause + habe 3 Monate nur e Zigarette geraucht ) und ich hab manchmal komische Symptome, deswegen frage ich mich wie lange man rauchen müsste und wie viele Zigaretten am tag um krebs zu bekommen.
Not every smoker gets cancer.
Only the risk of cancer increases significantly. However, this requires a much longer period of time.
E cigarettes are not smoked. In the case of e-cigarettes there is no combustion process, no smoke. The liquid used, the so-called liquid, is only heated and changes its aggregate state from liquid to gaseous. This is not smoke, it is steam.
The many extremely harmful and strongly carcinogenic substances in smoking are produced by burning. There’s no steam. E-cigarettes do not have to fear cancer.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
There is no specific period after which one must suffer from lung cancer when smoking. The risk of lung cancer increases with the duration of smoking and the number of smoked cigarettes. However, it is also possible for people who have smoked for a short time to suffer lung cancer. Therefore, it is important to stop smoking to reduce the risk.
There are non-smokers who have lung cancer and there are people who smoke for decades and never get lung cancer.
And so is it
I don’t think you can say that exactly, but that’s what every tip is too much.
From the first cigarette the risk is increased
Not everyone who smokes gets cancer you can also get cancer after 1j smoke. It’s always lucky or bad luck.
You can also get lung cancer without smoking
There are people who smoke for over 40 years without break and have no lung cancer
From smoking you get no cancer, by smoking you favor all kinds of diseases, arteriosclerosis, for example, also cancer.
Best of all…but you know that yourself.
You can’t say that!
I’ve been smoking for 30+ years and I’m healthy! My wife has been smoking for 40+ years and is healthy!
I’m 45 years old, and Lebe is still…