Wie lange muss man warten, bis Fische ins Aquarium können?


Ich habe seit gestern ein 90l Aquarium. Wie lange muss ich warten biss ich die Fische, Garnelen und Zwergkrallenfrösche einsetzen kann? Im Internet steht auf manchen seiten ein paar tage und auf manchen 5-6 wochen. Würden knapp 2 Wochen reichen? (Mit Starterbakterien)

Viele Grüße Lennard

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3 years ago

Four weeks. And by the way: dwarf claws and fish are not tolerated, as the fish eat the whole food away and then starve the frogs. Dwarf claws and shrimps also not because the shrimps are eaten. In fish and shrimps, I would touch amanogarnels, otherwise the shrimps will be eaten.

3 years ago


first you have to plant some water plants (you already have some) and then depending on the species of fish..

Shrimps are more likely to move in.
We have only about 50L but we were told after the earliest 14 days we can prawns and then about after three weeks the first fish.

3 years ago

At least 3-4 weeks, the starter bacteria can be tipped into the toilet, absolutely unnecessary and just money making.

3 years ago

waited 2 weeks

3 years ago

It’s supposed to be a few weeks. It is best to use plants and clean a little (!) feed. Let the filter run all the time. I’d wait 4 weeks