Wie lange muss ein thailändischer Reisepass bei Ein/Ausreise in Thailand noch gültig sein?
Wir haben für April 2025 eine Reise von Deutschland nach Thailand geplant.
Der thailändische Reisepass meiner Frau läuft im September 2025 allerdings ab.
Deutsche Pässe müssen ja noch 6 Monate gültig sein bei Ein bzw. Ausreise. wie sieht es bei thailändischen Staatsbürgern aus ? Müssen die auch 6 Monate gültig sein? 🤔 kennt sich jemand aus oder weiß wo man nachlesen kann.
For a thailaendian buoyer, this provision hardly applies when entering homeland.
And when returning to Germany where he is registered and has a branch permit ?
Thai laenders can not be denied entry to Thailand naturally unabated by the duration of their trip to Thailand.
So if we go back to Germany at the end of April, then they could say at the airport that the passport expires in September only 5 months.
He has a German branch permit. Then the passport must only be smooth when returning to Germany. There is no need for a smoothness beyond the day of entry.
If you don’t think it’s true where could you read what’s right?
Hmm But it is so in writing, why should the message not be given any information?
I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding. The Thai Embassy will never give binding copies of the entry regulations of Germany. And that’s not true.
So I wanted to go to the phone number now and asked the Thai Embassy and in writing received the answer that the passport and thus also the permanent residence permit for return or entry to Germany must be valid for at least 6 months, otherwise you must not enter D.
very helpful and good to know for those who may have the same problem. So make new passport and leave residence permit extended before arrival.
Thanks a lot
Not applicable Of which: Thailand, but only After Thailand. But this is of course only true for the Auslaendische Paesse and not also for the thailaendische.
Thank you for the info and your help. I thought that the passport must be valid for at least 6 months while traveling to and from Thailand?! But it was insecure to me that it was three months.