Wie lange muss der Rollbraten in den Backofen?
He Leute,
wie lang muss der Rollbraten inne Box, damit der gut wird; und bei wie viel Grad?
He Leute,
wie lang muss der Rollbraten inne Box, damit der gut wird; und bei wie viel Grad?
Wie es scheint, ist der Fleischkonsum ungebrochen.
werden sie vorher “gekocht”? interessiert mich.
Also was sind eure Lieblings Gerichte?
Gerade war ich im Gym, ganzen Tag noch nichts gegessen und habe Hunger. Chinesisch oder was deftiges wäre nicht gut, oder?
At 180 degrees in the stove. Add some fat or oil. However, turn around the vegetables gradually until it has accepted a brownish color (see Maillard reaction). Then pour on depending on the sauce requirement and then first season and, depending on the size, approx. make 2-3 hours narrow. In doing so, pour out occasionally. Pigmeat must have an internal temperature of 85 degrees. Kalbfleisch 75 degree and turkey roll 90 degree.
I’d roast him all the way around in the sticker on the stove so he’s beautifully brown. After this, it is allowed to enter the oven for about 2 a half hours at about 180 degrees.
Depends on how you want to fry it and how exactly your oven regulates the temeperature, what kind of meat you take and whether the roast is rather thick and short or thinner and longer. AEG = Experience Klug!! 😎
Normal roasting: per 100 grams is calculated approx. 8 minutes at 180° C. Temperature should reach around 75°C inside.
Low temperature cooking at 120°C, I expect twice the time, i.e. about 16 minutes per 100 grams.
It is best to use a Garthermometer to measure the core temperature.
First point: First to the pan with it 😉
Second point: later per 100 grams of weight 8 minutes at 180 degree of recirculation air into the oven🤗
You don’t make a roll roaster.
First of all, the roller roaster, preferably in a caster, is fried from all sides. Then taken out. Then small-cut onion and small-cut vegetables are fried in the beef until it is slightly brown. Add 1 tablespoons of tomato paste. Stir, stir, stir, so that nothing burns. With red wine/white wine/beer/beer or only with water, add the rollerbow again and spices/crew according to recipe or taste. Then go to the oven.
A pork turtle needs about 1 hour 20 minutes at 180° (1 kg). Or a core temperature of 75°.
How do you want to roast the roast in the net?
That’s not a problem. In the oven “fits” the net also nix.
Who wrote something about “without sauce”?
but without sauce is still illogical for me
Hello looks funny, you should make a sauce and cook the roasts in it
inne box?
I don’t see a box
Out of shape and fry
Then pour on to narrow
Right. That’s the way
In what box? He’ll have to be fried in the pan before he gets to the beacon!
With “Box” he probably means the oven.
Well, instead of responding to requests, you can better delete requests… I want him to get along with his box.