Wie lange lose Zahnspange tragen?
Hallo und zwar habe ich einen Überbiss von ca. 8mm und muss eine lose Zahnspange tragen bevor ich eine feste bekomme. Weiß jemand wie viele Monate die Behandlung ca. mit der losen Zahnspange dauert?
Danke im Voraus!
Hello, Jenny.
how many months / days the treatment with the loose chip will take you here no one will be able to confirm exactly, because every person is different, has another misplacement.
At the beginning of the treatment, however, the CFO has set up a plan as to how the treatment should take place, which you or your parents have certainly received. But better count down the days here, otherwise you will be disappointed in the end if it takes a few days or weeks longer. The treating orthodontic orthodontics will only complete the treatment step when the desired result is reached, half things are usually not there.
I can only tell it about me now, because I also had a bite. I only had stretch plates for each jaw, on which I had to turn the screws once a week. It took a little more than half a year.
Then I got a bionator, a large chip, into which you had to bite into a sports mouth protection. It took a year and a half until I got the next chip.
You’re lucky, nowadays the main part of the treatment is made with a firm chip, which goes much faster than with several loose tooth chips.
So it can be as good as anything between half a year and 1.5 years, of course, it also comes to the fact that you regularly wear the chips every day, even if it seems annoying at the beginning, it’s over…
Hello, Jenny.
that depends on the incorrect position and the treatment device.
In the case of a pronounced bite in the main growth phase treated with an activator/bioneer, this will certainly go 1 – 1 1/2 years. But usually other misalignments are treated with the loose brace.
You won’t get a remote diagnosis here. The number mentioned is a gross average value. Everything else would be coffee-seat reading.
Look at your treatment plan. There should be the planned treatment time.
Good luck!
That’s a question you’d best ask your dentist or orthodontist. They’re familiar with this topic.