Wie lange liegt mein Sendung noch in der Packstation?
am Samstag den 12.08 um 9Uhr wurde eine Sendung für mich in der Packstation hinterlegt. Ich konnte es leider noch nicht abholen. Ich bin morgen Mittag wieder Zuhause und könnte es dann abholen. Ist das Paket morgen noch da? Lg
Packstation direct shipments remain 7 calendar days (not working days) in the packing station, notified consignments 9 calendar days.
Seven working days, and if a WE is in between as usual, because it is 8 days because Saturday counts as a working day. You can ask if the Post DHL Sa counts as a holiday.
Pack stations include calendar days, not working days, and there are different storage times.
most of all, the packages remain there 1 week.
a week, so up to 19.
as in a Fililale
Nö, at packing stations are calendar days, not working days, and there are even different storage times for direct and/or alert shipments.
I think they’re there for a week.