Wie lange leben Meerschweinchen?
So körperlich betrachtet sind Affen wesentlich fortgeschrittener als Homo sapiens
Hi ich habe eine 10 Jährige Tinker Stute und bräuchte für sie Gamaschen. Die Gamaschen sollten auch vorne einen Schutz haben da mein Pferd mit dem Vorderen Teil des Röhrbeines beim Springen manchmal dagegen springt und deswegen will ich es schützen. Das Problem was ich habe ist dass sie wegen ihrer Rasse so dicke Röhrbeine…
finde im internet keine
Hallo, ich möchte mein Meerschweinchen Gehege gerne ein bisschen bunter gestalten und ein paar Häuschen nur lackieren. Wisst ihr ein paar Lacke, welche ungiftig und urindicht sind? Am besten von Amazon. Nach Sabberlacken habe ich schon geschaut, aber keine passenden gefunden.
Guten Abend, ich habe 3 Kaninchen (2 kastrierte Männchen und ein Weibchen) wovon ein Kaninchenpaar (löwenköpfchen) Geschwister sind. So wie es nunmal ist, schlißen sie den Dritten (schlappohr) aus und jagen ihn oder lassen ihn nicht in den Außenstall. Seit gestern ist es aber zu einem Streit zwischen den dreien gekommen wo sich der ausgeschlossene…
8 years, however, they have also experienced the one 15 years has been but rarely so average is 4-8 years coming to supply
I don’t believe that at 15 years, that’s just the world record.
Did not say the uch one had the 15 but there is on the world determined the one was about 15
But you wrote that you experienced. That means you’ve seen it before or at least heard it.
The average age is 6 to 8 years old, my oldest MS was 11 years old, yesterday one died with 9 years.
I have several pensioners from 7, 8 and 9 years old, who have their retirement seat in my nursing centre for emergency guinea pigs.
Photo, pensioner group 2019
guinea pigs are 5-8 years old. Unfortunately, I can’t say it exactly, some are also ten years old, but only rarely. But some guinea pigs are also only 2-4 years old, but then they usually die not of age weakness but of diseases.
I hope I could help you
You’ll be 5-8 years old. But you can never say that exactly. There are also guinea pigs who die with under 5 years and also those who are over 8 years old. They usually live longer with good attitudes.
LG Sophia110
They are said to be 4-8 years. 8 is really very old. My two elders are currently 6 and 7 years and I hope they have something else with me. All other animals died under 6 years (the last one year T-T )
My first three died so early… T-T 2 were not even 1 Kahr old and the other is after approx. 1 year of a middle ear infection (which is very rare at Meeries)
Depends on it. between 1-8
Average 4-8 years
We had those who were up to 10 years old, a female… that died on my wife’s sheet of age weakness… was bad.
Your partner died at 8 years.
mine were 8 and 61/2 years old.
Like 61/2 years? No guinea pig becomes so old!!!!! Have you prescribed yourself?
it was six and a half years old