Wie lange Krücken nach Kreuzbandriss?
Hab mir vor fast einem Monat das vordere Kreuzband gerissen. Hab noch die steife Schiene und Krücken. Wie lang läuft man ohne op auf Krücken
Hab mir vor fast einem Monat das vordere Kreuzband gerissen. Hab noch die steife Schiene und Krücken. Wie lang läuft man ohne op auf Krücken
Hallo, mir ist vorhin ein Buch auf meinen Fuß gefallen. Von den Schmerzen her geht es aber mein Fuß ist angeschwollen. Was denkt ihr ist er gebrochen?
Ein Typ aus dem Fitnessstudio hat mir erzählt, dass er als Kind bereits eine schwere Skoliose hatte, auch Symptome wie Kopfschmerzen, Kribbeln in armen etc. Mit 15 hat er dann gegen den Rat der Ärzte mit Krafttraining angefangen und die Symptome veränderten und verschlimmerte sich. Über 5 Jahre lang hatte er ueberall schmerzen, sogar im…
Ich habe leichte Skoliose will aber Sport machen, weil das gut sein soll. Interessieren würde ich mich für Mountainbiken. Ist das gut für den Rücken und die Muskeln oder schadet das eher? Wenn ich keine wirklichen Sprünge mache ist es ok oder?
Hallo Ich hatte vor 5 Tagen ein Sofa angehoben als es im lendewirbel Bereich ein Schmerz gegeben hat , am Tag danach hatte ich Probleme aus den Bett zu kommen und auch zu schlafen da es einfach geschmerzt hat , der Schmerz ist auf eine Stelle immer , man kann eine Beule ertasten am vorletzten…
my crossband tear was about 2 months ago. Also front crossband. I had the stiff rail 2 weeks and then got a joint orthosis. I used the crutches for a few more days, but then no longer needed. I didn’t operate my crossband crack. I now run quite normal without crutches and orthosis. Grade I was still walking with my dogs over a buckling soft meadow. I even tried jogging – also went. Besides, I’m driving ergometers again.
The stiff rail has turned out to be very negative. When I finally managed to become a specialist after the MRT, he said first: Take this off, you don’t need it!
He was right. However, after the 2 weeks the leg was already quite stiff and the swelling in the knee takes much longer until it goes back because due to the lack of movement and the lack of space, the lymph fluid formed naturally remains hanging in the knee.
Of course, it depends on the accompanying damage. With me, only the front crossband is actually torn. The inner band was torn, but no meniscus damage or anything else. The crack of a front crossband does not always have to be operated. As I said, it depends on whether and what accompanying damage exists and whether the knee is stable or not without a crossband.
I have to say that I had/have (in addition to in therapy) two mega physiotherapists who have contributed significantly to the fact that I can run and live 95 % more normally. The remaining 5 % are also 🙂
All right. How long were you written sick?
Not at all. But I was told at the beginning that after 2-3 weeks you would be able to work again for office activity.
What I remembered: It also depends on where exactly the crossband is torn and how old you are. So it also decides whether OP or not.
Hmm okay. Yes, 20
Ask the doctor about a joint orthosis. It makes it extremely lighter.
I was insecure, whether surgery or not. But now that I see I can do anything without any problems, I don’t let it operate first. When you are operated, everything goes back from the front with pain and everything and then you probably have a stiff rail after it. It takes longer until you get fit again. I’m a little older. I was told to try it like that for the first time. The doctor said if I were 25, you would definitely operate that. I am a couple of days older;)
I can only say again, I didn’t wear the stiff rail after two weeks and that was good.
Will be decided next week. Towards the OP
but only the stiff rail
@Elias08: Have you been told whether you need surgery or not? If you don’t need one, try to get rid of the stiff rail as soon as possible and start running again!
Your doctor must tell you
Ask the doctor at the next appointment
You have to ask your doctor… He will accompany the healing process…
The doctor knows better
About 5 weeks.