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If you take the pill regularly, do not vomit, have no diarrhea and no medications that affect the effect of the pill, you have taken the pill regularly at least 14 days before the break (not applicable to the Belara and the like, there are 21 days), the break does not last longer than 7 days and you will not be taken by the 8th at the latest. Continued day with the pill (applies to most pills), then you are also protected during the break and immediately afterwards (i.e. uninterrupted), to 99.9% (the missing 0.1% refer to unnoticed or unadmitted intake errors according to the expert opinion). You are still protected in vomiting and really liquid diarrhea if you react correctly and take a pill if it happens within 4 hours after taking the pill. In this case, only really aqueous diarrhea counts as diarrhea. If that happens, you can’t get pregnant. The pill is one of the safest contraceptives and if both are healthy they can dispense with the condom and he can also come into it.
Greetings HobbyTfz
As soon as I took the pill, I did not prevent condom (except it was necessary)
Never in a firm partnership. Why, if both have no sexual diseases?
At first?
What in the beginning?
First, give more pleasant and secondly unnecessary money.
Do you find condoms disturbing? Do you think it’s another feeling of condom?
If both are tested.
At the beginning of a new relationship.
I never did, except I took antibiotics or forgot one. So on ons but not in relationship
we had double-drained for years. later pill only me /uns made it nix.