Wie lange kann man ohne essen aus kommen bis man umkippt?

Hallo, ich habe mich mal gefragt wie lange es braucht bis man umkibbt wen man nix isst und wenig trink. Kann mir wer helfen?

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2 years ago

That depends on many parameters. You can’t say a value. One person does the 1 hour, another 51 hours.

2 years ago

It’s not to answer. For this we know too little about you, and the drinking quantity “less” is too inaccurate. In addition, whether you are lying on the couch or working on the building.
A really thick person can ensure vitamin and mineral feed, with sufficient drinking also come half a year, possibly even longer.
No longer than two days can go without drinking and moving in warm climate.

2 years ago

About 30 days.

But it depends very much on the circumstances.

2 years ago

Can’t be said flat-rate, among other things, on how much “reserve” you have and on the physical condition etc. As a rule of thumb:

3 minutes without oxygen, 3 hours under extreme conditions (colds, heat, wet), 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food….

2 years ago

Max. 3 days without drinking, several weeks without food.

You can already tip over much more, which can be within hours/on the same day with sinking blood sugar levels.

2 years ago

The tipping can be done the same day when the blood sugar leaks into the cellar. You don’t die so fast.

2 years ago

You can tip over before, but you can get an average of 20 days without food until you die when you drink.

2 years ago

You have drinking water for weeks.

2 years ago

There is no general statement because this depends on many factors.