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7 months ago

Long. But not too long, because it too much loads the battery. This would result in you not being able to charge your iPad any longer, or it only works on the plug. But until it comes, we’ll talk about years.

7 months ago

In your post you created 35 minutes ago, you already got some answers. 🍀

7 months ago
Reply to  youyaXX

But to be honest, this is really different for every device and manufacturer,…know enough devices that lay in the closet for years and still have loaded. However, there were also cases where the batteries would have slightly expanded during the next charging.

This question/answer cannot be clarified.

I think you should just get to know. Just look at it next time;-)

7 months ago
Reply to  youyaXX

Unfortunately, only Apple can tell you exactly.

I had a Mp3 player at the time, think was from Sandisk, there was even a table in the operating instructions as long as it can remain “empty” in this state without falling into the deep discharge.

If I don’t lie now, there used to be 30-40 days.

7 months ago


but the battery is broken faster than otherwise

7 months ago
Reply to  youyaXX

Oh, it’s you again, from the other question. Yeah, don’t worry, a month will not kill your iPad. One year would be such a period where I would think, but even there should be no problem.

7 months ago
Reply to  youyaXX

only the battery is severely affected

7 months ago

It takes several months. The iPad will automatically turn off completely to avoid depth discharge. And even if it should be deep-discharged, then the only consequence is most likely that the battery capacity will decrease slightly and that it would take a few hours to get out of this state. You absolutely don’t have to worry.

7 months ago

Technology continues to develop and the ability to survive a holiday is quite important. You’re not the first to go on vacation and you really shouldn’t worry. Just digest your vacation and you couldn’t do anything. Enjoy your vacation and take care of iPad when you’re back. Then you can still worry.