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2 years ago

In the blood THC is detectable about 5 hours after taking. However, it is necessary to ensure that a urine test can also be used. There’s about 10 hours.

With chronic intake, it is again different…

has indicated a different source in his response. There it is still detectable for days… just leave it completely away then you don’t have to worry about it in general.

2 years ago
Reply to  ToastmitHonig

I wonder if the ones with this proof of A NANOGRAMM do not shoot beyond the wedge and are a bit gaga. I can well imagine that you could also prove an alcohol rush laaaaange later. You don’t even try that. Why?

2 years ago
Reply to  steefi

I also believe that the police will only use tests that are not extremely accurate. But you never know. These times were probably made under laboratory conditions. I agree.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

One-time consumption is detectable for a few days.
Details here:

2 years ago

The DHV (Deutscher Hanfverband) advises not to move the vehicle for three to four days with one-time, rare or only occasional consumption.
Google “Green help, cannabis, driving licence” …

2 years ago

So how many times you use it does not depend on how long you can prove it. So it’s demonstrable it’s Max’s 3 days, but he’s gonna end earlier. So without a car you should drive back when your noise is over

(BItte let your fingers off. The stuff is not a solution. If you have problems, I am always open <3)

2 years ago

With rare consumption a few days