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No, you are in a flu vaccination the comparable is not immune to cold flu. the course of the disease is, however, milder.
I am vaccinated 4x, had 3x corona but a very mild course only slight headaches. Colleagues who are NOT vaccinated had 1 weeks long high fever and had to go to the hospital
How can you just be inoculated four times?
And that with colleagues and you the comparison proves nothing
ach… this is easy… just ask a doctor… he gets so much money to say most nich “no”… 😋
yes… the stochastic needs to be done by next year, the Lauterbach says…
So I wasn’t vaccinated against C and had a half day. That is why your conclusion is not correct.
I wouldn’t say. I learned it at school. But let me teach a better one. That’s why I didn’t understand the whole vaccination… Yes, this is my personal opinion 🙂
I’m setting up: my competent immune system for doing something daily. (thanks to Mama who raised us so much!)
What are you doing for your day?
but there are cross-immunity… i.e. antibodies that have already adapted to similar coronas, you can simply use them again for new coronas…
Bill Gates said that the virus even makes better immunity than the “vaccinations”…
Yeah, that’s what I’ve been testing for. I know.
Approximately 3–6 months, varies depending on the person and Viru variant.
Under certain circumstances only for a few weeks. We had the case in the family. Corona, three weeks negative, new infection, another ten days positive. The next infection came six weeks later.
It’s more like an outlier. I only had Corona twice. In January 22, I was healthy until I had been sick and in September 24 with a little more symptoms.
could also have been a rhinovirus… there’s a new virus every couple of weeks…
It was definitely Corona.
For Rhinoviren, I’m a specialist, I’ve always been sniffing. So I don’t have time for Corona 😁
a doctor in Kiel (sonny) said that the influenza test also returned positively… you just had to order him… 😋
Not at all. There is no immunization. One can only expect a milder course in a disease…
Bill Gates said that the virus even makes better immunity than the “vaccinations”…
Well. He is a corpse in terms of PC/Hard/Software and has $ sign in his eyes. Virologe, however, is at most in the IT sector. It’s not medical.
yes, he’s not a computer scientist… he’s more the seller… but he probably has experts who told him…
You’re not immune, you just have a weaker course
I don’t think you can always get
Viruses mutate…
Not at all. There are over 2000 different variants and Corona leaves an immune weakness for several months.