Wie lange ist ein ungestempeltes 4er Ticket gültig?
Ich habe hier noch ein altes, aber recht hochpreisiges VRR 4er Ticket aus dem Jahr 2011 gefunden auf dem nur eine Fahrt gestempelt ist. Die Preise haben sich natürlich mit der Zeit verändert. Kann ich mit dem Ticket noch was anfangen?
This applies to the regular limitation period. This is 3 years from the end of the year by the claim being made. In this respect, the operation of transport (but not) may raise the objection of the limitation period.
You may be able to charge the ticket when buying a new ticket.
Since the stamping machines are also changed with time, I doubt that it can still be stamped.
The format of the devaluers has not changed in the VRR for over 40 years.
However, the ticket is not valid again.
No. There is always a transitional period, after which tickets become invalid. I would still try to give her back
Good question, call the headquarters, they’ll be able to help you.
No, it’s worthless.
In principle, such tickets can be used in NRW until three months after a change in tariff, and exchanged for payment up to three years thereafter.
Ask at the municipal works.