Wie lange ist der THC Gehalt in CBD Blüten im Urin?

Hallo liebe Community, ich habe seid kurzem meinen Führerschein und bin in der Probezeit. Ich Interessiere mich schon seid längerer Zeit für das Thema CBD. Nun zu meiner Frage. Man kann heutzutage CBD Blüten an fast jeder Tankstelle kaufen und diese haben ja einen THC Gehalt von Max. -0,2%. Wie schnell wäre ein Drogentest (Urin) bei der Polizei positiv auf THC wenn ich z.B mal einen CBD joint rauchen würde und wie lange ist der Test bei CBD Blüten positiv (also so ungefähr). LG

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The quantities THC in so-called. Although CBD grass is not sufficient to bring about an effect, it is sufficient for appropriate consumption to have a positive impact on a corresponding test. I don’t know if a joint is enough. Even with “normal” grass, the detection after a joint is only possible for a few days. Details here: https://www.bussgeldkatalog.org/thc/

Please note that the stuff is not really legal, although it is offered everywhere. Listen to this lawyer here:

CBD – legal or illegal? Risks for shop operators and buyers


2 years ago

No plan, but should the test be positive, and blood will be taken off, the THC content in it will be so minimal that you have no consequences to expect.

It’s just annoying to take the cops to the guard.

Hope THC will finally be legalized from autumn!

2 years ago

You can’t say that because each body processes substances differently. A single joint would hardly be a positive drug test.

You can save CBD flowers anyway. CBD has proven to have no psychoactive effect. You know exactly zero. You have more effect when you smoke a cigarette. Apart from that, flowers are not really legal anyway.