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9 months ago

If a leukemia patient refuses treatment, the remaining lifetime can vary greatly and is often very short.
Without treatment, the disease advances rapidly, which can lead to an early death. Can be months, too, years.

9 months ago

Leukemia is available in almost countless variants.

Those affected by leukemia in young years usually have a very aggressive form of leukemia and rapidly growing. This is usually treated with a (hefty) chemotherapy. If this strikes, this leukemia is often defeated.

It looks different in so-called age leukemias, which occur approximately from the age of 50. These usually develop rather slowly, apart from exceptions, and are also treated with chemotherapy, but a weaker and better tolerated. Sometimes leukemia remains away, but it is not so rare that it returns after a few years. Then the procedure starts from the front. Usually, this form of leukemia is quite well under control and can even become old.

More detailed information can give you a doctor.

9 months ago

You can’t precalculate that. It can even be years.

9 months ago

There are many different forms and advances of the disease.

9 months ago
Reply to  Aeroplanus

Can you call an average?