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Clean code or clean architecture makes your code more readable and predictable.
In this context, comments may also be dispensed with – unless these comments serve a legal purpose. If someone claims he writes a good code and uses comments, then the code is not good.
What would you like better?
At this point, taste and experience are crucial. Would you know what’s happening? Or would comments be necessary?
“Beauty and Power” have never been interested in me.
I write code so he does what he wants and I write it so that I can read it after a few years. Especially with a more frequent use of class, this is very important because comment lines must not be missing, especially in places that are not self-explanatory. In addition, I insert comment lines as a kind of headlines (“here blablabla begins”)
But we’re at work, not at a beauty contest.
I was, because efficiency, ease of use and benefit is most important, and wartability. That has little to do with me beauty and power.
This is a continuous process without ending. 😉
How are you commenting?
I use, but this does not replace a complete documentation of the processes, etc.
I started with Python and already from
made initially at line breaks. Then I continued with C and then zb instead
I have done this:
But I always have the beauty of the code ne role.
And then other languages came underanderen C# and JS
This has not happened yet
I mean efficiency))
What now?
I was, because efficiency, ease of use and benefit is most important, and wartability. That has little to do with me beauty and power
Right. Code must be functional, legible and efficient. And not nice.
And sometimes the unsightly solutions are the more efficient.
All right. I’m just at the first coffee.
Shouldn’t come in here as an answer. Coffee doesn’t work yet…
These are not my words, they are from Eric Raymond)) I think he meant with strength efficiency