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As long as the graphics card is operated within its specifications, it keeps at least the warranty period.
I have graphics cards that have been in operation for 10 years and they’re fine. I also had graphics cards that burned a voltage converter after 21⁄2 years. To some extent, it is also a gambling game.
I used to have a gaming notebook from MSI Katana. That’s why I sold it. Love console
There is also no guarantee beyond the warranty period for a console. Consoles are also broken.
Yeah. I had my console over years of walking down as long as I don’t know exactly and I didn’t overload them. From Playstation 1 to 5, I had never had any problems. Except for a PS 4, the fan was too loud. With my previous gaming notebook I had had problems playing with emulator and with incorrect resolution on the Steam I could not recover the previous resolution. I had tried everything and then a game still remained black. I always have to update the PC on update to check some of the graphics and so on this is the pure horror. And at the console I never have stress everything is so loose CD pure game quickly installed zero comma nix no problems no stress. Soo Toll better than PC
Depends on how much you burden her
So after resolution or how?
How strong it is/ Heat acidification
After 5 years I felt compelled to get a new
What 😮 so fast?
If you always buy new games, it will be fast. Not because the PC is broken but because you need more and more power.
Jo, app standards are constantly higher, whether for games or rendering. I didn’t really care for her either. My buddy’s been using his for 8 years, but it’s getting critical.
how much and what are you playing?
What do you mean “how much”? My first was ne GTX 480, then ne GTX 960, followed by ner RTX 2060 and now RTX 4060. I make animations in C4D/Blender and AE, and zocke many high end games