Wie lange halten sich getrocknete Mehlwürmer?
Moin, also meine 6 Küken werden jetzt immer größer und ich habe vor mir Mehlwürmer zu bestellen (als Leckerlies).
Selbstverständlich wird der Preis pro Liter mit zunehmender Menge immer geringer, daher die Frage wie lange die sich getrocknet halten und ob es sich lohnt die in einer großen Menge zu kaufen.
Foods which are preserved by drying are really long. The less water the longer. Only proper storage after drying is important.
And since animals cannot read MHD, they decide how we used to do it. If they don’t taste anymore, they don’t eat them.
In the case of correct storage, these also last years.
On my 5kg package is open at least 12 months
Store dry and light-protected and not store beside strongly smelling cleaners or the like
Yes, of course, someone who has the same hobby as me. From my experience, they’re really long.
Are delicious 😋
So you’re also feeding flourworms by mass?
Can I just vote 😋