Wie lange halten 10ml E-Liquid?

Wenn man mit einer normalen Elfbar Vape um die 2-4 Tage klarkommt mit 2ml Liquid, könnte man das selbe auf einen Dampfer beziehen? Ich möchte nicht allzu viel ausgeben und überlege mit nun mal Liquid für 8-9 € zu kaufen

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1 year ago

For a multi-way device with comparable consumption and identical usage frequency? Just mathematically 10-20 days.

Problem with the mathematical solution: You won’t find a multi-way device that’s exactly like an Elfbar. And you probably won’t use the original Elfbar Liquid. Know that your use and consumption will deviate from the Elfbar. Just don’t let it predict whether it will be less or more.

1 year ago

that depends mainly on WAS for a device you use. This disposable waste does not really make a lot of steam per train and therefore consumes little. Modern pod systems as an alternative to this are likely to consume more and if you have such portable fog lamps, a bottle might last a few hours instead of days.

  • have only seen newcomers consume AM TAG 3-5ml – Yeah, that can be done. However, these are UMSTEIGER from tobacco smoking, which also replace the tilting. Here it is possible to control consumption (in limits) a little by the nicotine content
  • My soon steamer has a maximum power of 30 watts. – but it doesn’t matter what your VERDAMPFER is using, and performance doesn’t say much about liquid consumption. What did you choose?
  • Do not want the bottle to be empty directly within 10 days otherwise becomes expensive – Oha, so 10ml should go for more than 10 days? Which means you want to consume less than one milliliter per day? The CAN work if you can inspect the NUTCATION until it suits you…
1 year ago
Reply to  Trolol276

I’m sorry, but if you get SO on this thing, you should think about it again with the steaming…

1 year ago
Reply to  Trolol276

I’ll go with a bottle (60ml) for 2-4 weeks. And that with partial proper fog, but also only 9w MTL.

With MTL on 25w it is 2-3ml a day. So a bottle a month. At 160w, 5ml are also away in 20min. I could get a loose bottle (120ml) away the day.

Always depends on the device and the performance. And of course how much you evaporate.

1 year ago

I don’t know the Wenax models, so I can’t tell you how long you’ll get along with it.

Only one thing: Buy the liquids NOT at Amazon, this is (almost) all just 0815-billigkram. go to a specialist store and try out the product range. It doesn’t help you if you save at the price, but the majority doesn’t taste.