Wie lange hält sich eingepackte Milka-Schokolade wirklich?

Auf gekaufter Packung steht als MHD meistens 6-8 Monate. Wie lange würde sich Milkaschokolade aber wirklich halten? Ist 2 Jahre realistisch?

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1 year ago

With proper storage, low temperature, low humidity, no sun original packaged, it can probably also be edible for years.

It is possible to change both appearance and taste.

1 year ago

Microbiologically, chocolate is hardly perishable. What usually happens first is that the fat crystallizes out on the surface. The “fat ripe” is safe, but reduces the taste. It can take good and like 1-2 years.

After that, the fat oxidation would become noticeable, the fat is slowly getting rancid. Healthy still no problem tastes but then disgusting.

1 year ago


that’s something about the variety. Such a really dark chocolate lasts for a long time. You can talk about years.
In addition, a microbiological spoil is the exception. Before, the chocolate becomes rancid, or has other tasty ones.


1 year ago

Try it out.

Most of the time, after the end of the MHD, it will eventually knock out and leave in taste.

1 year ago

uninterruptedly cool, dry and dark stored neatly packed chocolate up to 15 years.