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Entfernung nach festen Innen Retainer Zahn fühlt sich rau an?
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The question is about how long my natural teeth last.
First of all, how good do you care about your teeth? An implant can hold 30 and more years if the care fits
If it has been done well and is always maintained, a lifetime.
You can’t predict that. It depends on you. A well-set implant can last a lifetime. Provided you have an excellent, really excellent oral hygiene, you are non-smoker and regularly go to dental control, dental stone removal and professional dental cleaning.
If all these conditions are not fulfilled, you can expect an implant to last about +/-10 years.
And what does it cost?
Dental implant Costs: What cost dental implants | Implant for you
Hopefully “as long as possible”.
But just fillings have reached a lifetime end.
But an implant is a piece of metal “implanted” in the jawbone (here also the name). An artificial tooth is then placed on this pen. Lifetime is strongly dependent on care.
And what does it cost?
That can answer your dent.
An implant is the most expensive dental remediation.
A lifetime. See screenshot of Google
And what does it cost?
That’s what the dentist can tell you.
But my tip:
Do you have an additional dental insurance?
You can save a lot of money.
For example: ERGO or Barmenia additional dental insurance.
Depending on the rate – services (equivalent monthly contributions) you will receive the costs depending on the rate, so you will not have to pay less.
Call and ask. Or better instead of phone, go there for a personal conversation. Maybe you could update your rate accordingly. A tariff that takes everything into account. For the future…
I have a dental supplementary insurance but not for implants and I am not sure if they do so anyway
And what does it cost?
with approx. You can expect 3000€. Maybe a little more.
Okay, but such an implant is really the final solution, which will last until you die.
🤯😬 oh je