Wie lange hält ihr es am Spielplatz aus?

Frage an Eltern,

Wie lange schafft ihr es mit eurem Kind/Kinder am Spielplatz zu sein?

Ich schaff es aller höchstes nur 2 Stunden. Ich finds furchtbar dort, besonders weil ich keine Verschnaufpause habe, und mit meinen Kindern spielen muss, und sekündlich schauen muss.

Besonders an den Stoßzeiten, 2 verschiedene Klassen, 10 Familien, an einem kleinen Spielplatz.

Wie lange schafft ihr es dort zu sein?

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1 year ago

I don’t have own children, but I think it’s very long to be at the playground that I like to play totally with the neighboring children or also boys games at the playground and the parents also like it very well, as I do the children and how well I supervise them.

I have a playground almost in front of my front door and know very well what it means peak times and main operating times on the playground at Sonn. -Feering days or holidays etc. I always find a way to win children for Me, who I know or who know me and who like to bring friends to play.

Know also from most children the parents either from the sports club or private or from the neighborhood and I like to make leisure as well as the kids as a group and also girls play with and so I don’t have a problem.

Certainly more hours, if vacation is even from morning to evening games and have fun including having fun together, even at the playground and on the meadows in the park.

Have you ever been there between 4-12 children from 4 years to 13 years when I’m at the playground that I can play with every child as long as it adheres to the rules. From time to time, even younger ones, I also have no problem with and the greater knowledge that if younger ones play with, you need to be more cautious, all no problem, who no longer wants to play with anything else, We play different games together, like a come and go in a group. As long as the parents know where your children are and I have them in sight, everything is all right that the knowledge you have to listen to Me when the parents are way and if they did not do it, which they would have to go back home earlier.

As children. -Young coach, I have real 0 problems.

In my B-Jugend team I have Ca 14-22 players at the age of 14-16 years and they all listen to Me, whether in place or when we have out-games and wait for my coach colleagues. At that time, I had also had younger people, even that was not a problem for Me to supervise and train a D-Jugend, similar to many players as in the B-Jugend.

Younger under 4 years so 2-4 years old I had already had, like 14-21 small children, that was a challenge to keep everyone in the mood and train, that with 2-3 adults it is much easier than alone in the square. Since you have to explain something and others still have to motive, this is not as easy as you think the little one gets bored quickly and then even run way or to parents, so we have fenced the field or training in gymnasiums. But you can also create it by yourself, only Anders has to plan the training. Who likes to look up.

1 year ago

In part we were on the playground all afternoons from 13:30 to 18:00. However, most of the quarters were with children of all ages (prisons up to about 12 years) and many mothers out there. The children all played together, in the summer were filled paddling pools, the older ones have been watching the younger ones, together with the parents were hiding etc. played, it was eaten together and quatsed. Time always went like in flight. I miss these great afternoons.

1 year ago
Reply to  sabinebine20

Often we were out after dinner, but only when the children were a little older.

1 year ago

🤣But only at short notice as soon as you pull out the kids, you have everything full of sand🤣🤣. But the neighborhood is maintained, one knows and helps one another, meets at home in rainy weather, always has one or more babysitting and the kids are socialized and sleep well at night.

1 year ago

I always found it quite relaxed on the playground, but for more than two hours I was never there with my children. I also played with them, but they also had a lot of self-occupation, naturally under constant supervision. But while I looked after them, I usually talked to other mothers and so the time there was actually quite entertaining.

1 year ago

Find the right husband with house and garden.

1 year ago

My child is three years old in a few months. We’ve spent all afternoons on the playground. As soon as the weather is stable, we often go to the playground after Kita until dinner. That’s 2-3 hours.

We are often alone there and honestly, that’s what I love. Then I least need to pay attention to him. I usually sit in the sandbox near him, but I’m not involved with him. He does this alone and I can also get to the phone or could learn my summaries for exams, etc. Or we can play undisturbed.

If the right parents are there, I’m happy, then I’ll raise someone to talk. However, the children become more difficult. They’re not the age that they can really do something together. Interest exists from all sides, but a cooperative game is not in. And they realize that they are not very important. Dasi therefore tends to be more restless and more stressful than alone.

Otherwise, my child loves other (older children) and seeks contact, which the same-aged often scares more because they are more shy and are also less desired by the older. Or they’re going on him, but they can’t, and they’re getting too wild in the game, so that I’m more glucky about it and stop it. Then my mood is fast down.

Well, overall, playground is easier for me than at home and he is more peaceful. They’re good to him.

1 year ago

I’m not there longer than two hours. I think that’s enough. You’ve got his day program, and more than two hours don’t fit in. The children are then re-powered for lunch. Mutti is also.😆

1 year ago

I used to travel for 2 to 3 hours with the kids when I had the time and we were on the playground.

1 year ago

Don’t worry about it.

In a year, your children start playing with each other. Then you can sit on a bench in the sun and do nothing.

1 year ago

what does it mean…no break?.? You are there to have fun with your children so that your children learn social behavior there. Or disturb your children to be busy with the mobile phone

1 year ago
Reply to  sabinebine20

Unfortunately, your children are too small. And two hours I find long enough – even for the little ones

1 year ago
Reply to  sabinebine20

You’re there with the kids, not for your pleasure. If u are already annoyed, how will it be later when the children are at school?

1 year ago

what does this have to do with the stay on the playground, where you have the opportunity to deal with the little ones hours

1 year ago

Playgrounds are for children and not for parents if the child had no more pleasure, I left