Wie lange hält gute Kleidung?
Wie lange hält die Kleidung von Mittel bis hochpreisigen Marken, wenn sie regelmäßig getragen, gewaschen und auch getrocknet (geeignet) wird?
Wie lange hält die Kleidung von Mittel bis hochpreisigen Marken, wenn sie regelmäßig getragen, gewaschen und auch getrocknet (geeignet) wird?
Wenn ihr euch entscheiden müsstet: Was würdet ihr nehmen?
Also ich hab für meine Haare so eine Pflege Öl dass man so sprayt und letztens kam davon etwas auf meine Handtasche die aus Leder besteht. Weiß jemand vielleicht zufälligerweise wie man das wieder wegbekommt? Dankee im Vorraus! <3
Hallo Wie sind eure Erfahrungen mit Lenor Waschmittel Pods?? Taugen die was und ist die Wäsche gut danach.
Meine Waschmaschine zeigt immer 4 Kilo an obwohl nix drinnen ist was kann man dagegen tun?
Depends on what it is. Only two examples from my wardrobe: I bought a T-shirt from Trigema in the summer of 2009, which I often wore and liked and actually did not show up until the summer of 2022, because the fabric was no longer really nice and felt unpleasantly scratchy on the skin due to the many washings. Then I’ve made rags for car care. Otherwise I have a red and white long-sleeved shirt by Billabong, which I bought in autumn 2007 – great fabric, rich colors, just super quality – and I have it especially up to approx. 2010 very often worn, now somewhat rarer but still in everyday life 🙂
Otherwise, suits, jackets and ties can easily last for several decades, for winter coats, jackets, hats and hats this is the same – and I go out from midprice segment, i.e. the Sakko can be quite from C&A. Knitting is also very durable. For example, I have two superbly preserved sweaters of my grandson (Carlo Colucci, late 80’s/early 90’s – I still know that one at the time cost 300 D-Mark^) and from my grandpa a knitted pulp he wore on photos already in the 80’s (!) – still a super part, very noble and high quality. The brand is “The Flagship” by Kaufhof, even the label is still available and can be read by air. That’s great, that’s great!
I’ve got some parts for almost 20 years. But I’m just getting into the dryer.
10 years and longer. Also have shoes that were on almost all continents. 15 years old. OK, they got new soles.
My sister wears a neoprene jacket from me, which is now 22 years old.