Wie lange hält eine 12k Randm Tornado?
ja ich weiß die sind in der Eu nicht legal da sie mehr als 2ml haben, trotzdem möchte ich diese Frage aus reiner Neugier stellen. Also an alle die diese Art von E Zigaretten rauchen bzw dampfen wie lange halten die bis der liquid leer ist ?
depends on how much to smoke so but can charge around the 10 times depends on the vape, some are burned directly when the on 0 are some still going
Eternally, if you leave them where they belong! -> to the dealer who sells these illegal products!
No one will smoke. And steam will be the only people who are not interested in current laws and therefore want to support traders and importers who deliberately ignore EU requirements to enrich themselves on an illegal basis. And in addition, these consumers do not think a bit about the environment they are massively damaging with these things.
You could have saved that answer. I had never asked before to buy from pure NEUGIER
If you don’t want to buy it anyway, you don’t have to know how long you could get it!
I don’t want the Los Angeles or Japan anyway, do I want to know what life is there??
If the original Fumot RandM is, it keeps 5 days to 3 weeks depending on your comsum behavior
If she fake is probably not long (will take off)
1-2 weeks can even last up to 3 weeks, depends on how much you smoke