Wie lange hält ein Kartoffelauflauf im Kühlschrank?

Hey ich wollte fragen wie lange man einen Auflauf mit Blumenkohl, Kartoffeln, Hühnerbrustfillet Käse und Soße (Milch, Magarine, Zucker) eurer Meinung nach im Kühlschrank lagern kann. Ein Auflauf hat bei mir 5 Portionen, eig. wollte ich aber nur jeden 2. Tag Auflauf essen. 10 Tage wird er wohl nicht genießbar sein, oder?

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9 months ago

Very many potential variables. And “hold” and “sustainable” is also individual. There are people who eat – and consume – foods that are already in vain for others and risk food poisoning in extreme cases.

But in general, foods containing many ingredients are more susceptible to decomposition processes. And especially if they contain onions or milk products. This considerably shortens the storage time to be recommended. And if both, i.e. onion and milk products are mixed together, then I recommend a very short “deathline”: What is not consumed eight hours after completion, with caution.

1 year ago

Depends on the temperature of the refrigerator and how well you covered it up to a week.

But if you have the opportunity to freeze something, I would do it immediately after cooling, then it is still very fresh when you open it.

5 days old run-up frozen is 5 days old run-up when you open it…

I often cook larger quantities and then feed them completely fresh, in portions. Then I have my own “Fast Food” and know exactly what’s (not) in it!

And in order to change your menu, you can cook various dishes and always freeze one, two portions, then you have choice if you don’t have time or pleasure to cook.

1 year ago

I’d say two days. 10 days are too much.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fabiderschelm

Yes, in the freezer; but immediately after the run-up has cooled. Don’t wait two more days.