Wie lange hält Bruchschokolade bevor sie ”grau” wird (eingepackt)?

Hallo, ich wollte zu Weihnachten Bruchschokolade verschenken. Ich habe alles dafür eingekauft und würde es jetzt machen, doch meinte meine Schwester meinte dass sie dann so gräulich wird. Man nehme an ich würde es aber in so eine Plastiktüte packen und mit einem Band zu machen.
Würde dass dann trotzdem passieren?

Danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

Whether your chocolate becomes gray or not depends only on whether you have properly tempered it before you process it.

There are various methods of tempering Kuvertüre- Googel helps you.

It’s not getting really tempered when you’re still storing them properly. (cooling, dark)

Instructions in which it is said to add some extraneous fat NOT come from a confectioner!

Oil, butter, palmin…have nothing to look in cuverture!

Here is a simple guide (one of the three methods):


1 year ago

The discoloration comes from the wrong storage.

The temperature should remain constant. Not too hot and not too cold, best in a storage chamber where it is cool.

1 year ago

It is a priority not for too long storage, but for incorrect storage.

1 year ago

Grey becomes chocolate only when it is exposed to severe temperature fluctuations, such as in summer. The cocoa butter then emerges and dyes the surface gray