wie lange habt ihr früher drogen genommen?
hey, an alle wie oft habt ihr Drogen früher genommen? und wie seid ihr da wieder rausgekommen? war es schwer aufzuhören, oder ging das irgendwann von selbst? jeder kennt das, man hat früher als jugendlicher drogen ohne ende genommen, aber irgendwann wird’s ja ernst im leben. interessiert mich, wie andere das erlebt haben. danke fürs teilen!
No, I never took drugs, nor legal.
Depends on what drugs.
I used to take methamphetamine over a period of 5 years, but I’ve never been really addicted to the stuff. Although I have consumed quite regularly, consumed at least 1-2 times a week and intravenously, I have always stopped automatically after 2-3 days because it has become only unpleasant. And I could always say no to it when someone put something down and I didn’t want it. I didn’t have any problems to stop.
I was “fixed” as you say. I’ve consumed heroin 15 years ago, and I’m still dependent on opiate today. Although it’s not a heroin anymore, it’s been methadone for 10 years now, but I’m just cutting it off and finally getting rid of it.
thank you for your honest answer. How does it feel about heroin? is it true that you can’t stop splashing after once?
Always took hard drugs about a few days a month, for example a weekend. I stopped three months ago because I broke contact with the girlfriend I made. Kiffen I always do a few months and then I leave it a few months.
I’m just in a riff break, and I haven’t touched it for three months, I’m hard and I feel like it and start again in a few weeks.
I had no problems getting away from the hard drugs, heroin is an exception that I’m always hard to do not think today after 3 months and would like it. Don’t take it anymore.
Hope that helped you and answered your question
I never took big drugs back then.
The only thing I had done was drinking a bit more on birthdays or even during celebration, but it always kept within my limits.
I wouldn’t have tolerated other or large amounts of alcohol at all.
I used to smoke some grass and drank one over the thirst in the meantime, but that was it. “Drugs Without End” wasn’t there. Reflect your behavior.
It is not good bro, usually ends with nem knacks and/or in a withdrawal clinic.
No, not at all.