Wie lange geöffnete Kekse haltbar?
ich habe gerade einen Keks gegessen, die Packung war seit ca 2 Wochen geöffnet (gekaufte Kekse, nicht selbst gemacht). Der war nicht luftdicht verschlossen, sondern einfach in der Verpackung. Der Geschmack war eigtl gleich, die Konsistenz aber etwas anders. Glaubt ihr, da passiert etwas? Danke schonmal und LG 🙂
If you don’t have an exrem damp apartment, they’ll keep up for months. You’re getting a little soft, but not bad.
it depends on what kind of biscuit, but so long as no new forms of life have formed on it, you can probably eat it
Thank you. It was a cookie with chocolate pieces
chocolate will not be so fast, so good appetite 🙂
They’re just not that fresh, otherwise nothing happens.
Look, smell, taste.
If he didn’t run on his legs, everything was okay. Cookies hold water, clear that consistency changes.
If there is no growth with microorganisms, and this is rarely the case with dry cookies, there are no health concerns.
After opening the pack, the cookies naturally draw moisture and lose strength.
Are you still so small (younger than 10 years) that you don’t get away with it?
I’m just worried about it and asked for it (like 90% of the users of good question). Don’t understand why you have to be as snippy
You’re really still very, very small if you’re doing something about such trouble-taking.
Good night.
Open cookies stay with me .. uh… ten minutes.