How long does it take to study to become a general practitioner?
Hello, I would like to become a general practitioner, but I don't understand how long I have to study for it. Basic medical training lasts 12 semesters, but do I also have to complete five years of further training? I just don't understand the difference between a general practitioner and a specialist in general medicine. Are they the same thing, and do I also need to complete further training to become a regular general practitioner?
The study of human medicine is the same for all.
After that follows the doctor’s training, which takes another 5-6 Jshre. The doctor is also a specialist in general medicine.
Yes, you probably have to, a general practitioner is always a specialist in general medicine and another specialist (belief sports doctor and internist is the most common, but does not know if these are the only options).
You don’t necessarily need this for your own practice, but you don’t get a ticket office for a doctor’s practice without definitely.
The “medical basic training” includes 10 semesters + 1 practical year (so I know it). Yeah.
After that, you’re a doctor. You can also open up your own practice after that – but only for private students. The health insurance company demands a specialist training.
So if you want to treat cash patients, you still have to do the general medical specialist.
One (family doctor) is more of such a negligible term for an activity, the other (specialist in general medicine) is the usual training that most domestic doctors have.
One is a functional description and the other is the professional qualification.
Like “Head of Engineering” and “Dipl. Ing. Mechanical Engineering”.
You can be a specialist in general medicine without being a doctor. Maybe you’re still running as an intern at the clinic, maybe you’re a ship doctor on an Aida… This is only the level of training or the discipline in which one specializes.
But this qualification will help you to settle with a practice and provide services as a private doctor. As soon as you do this, you are a doctor.
Don’t call it basic medical training. You’re just a doctor after medical studies. Without any specialization and thus without the possibility of exercising a function that would require specialization.
The exact duration of the training to the specialist varies depending on the discipline and how well you get ahead with it (e.g. how often you have to jump in somewhere where you don’t get on professionally).
To become a doctor today, you need a specialist training in general medicine. It wasn’t like that before, so you could become a doctor directly after medical studies. I guess that’s why you have different information.
There’s no speciality in “home doctor”. This refers only to a settled physician, who acts as the first or central point of contact for patients. Most domestic doctors are general physicians, but there are also other combinations, e.g. B. I used to have a gastroenterologist.
Surprise: You need to train yourself during your entire professional life (and of course pay for it yourself) in order not to lose admission