Wie lange entzugserscheinungen?

Jedesmal wenn ich aufhören will zu kiffen krieg ich voll die Entzugserscheinungen wie Starke Innere Unruhe, Nervösität, Übelkeit und stark verminderten Appetit.

wie lange dauert das und wie kann man dagegen ankämpfen?

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2 years ago

In your place, I would stop with the nonsense if your body is yours. https://www.barmer.de/health/cannabis/abhaengigkeitsentzug-1132250 In particular, people who have grazed daily for a long time sometimes show significant withdrawal symptoms. These usually occur 24 to 48 hours after the last consumption. The cannabis withdrawal takes about seven to a maximum of 14 days and runs in phases.

Marijuana withdrawal – symptoms

These symptoms and withdrawal symptoms may occur after the drop of cannabis:

  • Unrest and nervousness
  • Sleep problems
  • Reduced appetite
  • Increased aggressiveness
  • Depression
  • Fear states
  • Muscle trembling, sweating, elevated temperature, chilling
  • Gastrointestinal complaints, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
  • Headache
  • visual disorders

As unpleasant as the withdrawal symptoms may be when the ciff is set: they are not a health threat to people who are otherwise healthy. More difficult is for many to deal with not relinquish the desire for a joint. For frequently, in this phase the strong need arises to reground.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mathelabor

O LordHere, withdrawal symptoms are described which apply to a heroin or opoide user, but not to an ordinary (yet strongly publishing) cannabis user.

2 years ago

With me this is usually after about two weeks and everything is as before. Sports and positive distraction can help if you have problems with it.

2 years ago

Couple weeks. Sports helps

2 years ago

Dude, sorry, but you’re soft.
As can be seen from your other questions, you lack maturity and self-confidence on the one hand – on the other hand, the necessary clarification of cannabis.

Even more moderate physical withdrawal symptoms due to cannabis occur only in the case of “hardcore consumption”. Hardcore is in the case multiple daily cannabis use best varieties with highest THC levels. Snoop Doog would be such a Harcore user. Are you as much as Snoop Dogg?

Your situation (students) does not give such a hardcore use, rather you are an opportunity smoker who blows up his consumption here a little.

Who actually smokes a lot of cannabis, whose “withdrawal symptoms” are comparable to side effects of love skummer:
Insomnia, some nervousness and irritation, occasional caving.
Flu or cold are much worse.

How long does it take and how can you fight against it?

Only a few days, especially since your “death” is really not worth the speech. In such a time, it is recommended to distract and inform about cannabis. “Rauschzeichen” (Wurth and Geyer) would be a good start.

2 years ago

It’s a pity that you’ve become so addicted, I’d just leave it anyway, it’s a pity thing. Man can get used to everything!

2 years ago

Search therapy.

Who knows how long this can take with you.

You wouldn’t have started it.