Wie lange dauert es im Schnitt bis man beim Dermatologen nen Termin als NeupatientIn kriegt?

Habe seit einem Monat Ausschlag/ nen Pilz/ Bakterien Infektion (?) an den Achseln.

Dachte erst es wär nen Pilz und hatte mir selbst ne Salbe gekauft. Diese hilft aber nicht wirklich und da es teils brennt und juckt wollte ich Montag mal nen Termin machen.

Wie lange dauert das im Schnitt?

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7 months ago

I’m going out of my current situation, I’m a cash patient and I wanted an appointment with my dermatologist last week, where I’ve been 20 years. Next free appointment early March 2025! As a self-payer within the next 2 weeks, as a private patient, of course.

New patients are no longer accepted. Wish you good luck finding!

Maybe your family doctor can help you in advance.

7 months ago

This seems to be a bit about whether you are living in a rural or urban way and on the organization of skin practice.

I am a patient and had an appointment the next day for an acute problem. However, it is also relatively good at our skin physician, as it additionally has an assistant physician.

If she hasn’t, then on average you wait three months for an appointment, so one to three weeks for acute affairs.

Of course, depends on how flexible you are. If you can accept “every” appointment, then of course it will be faster than if you can only do it on specific weekdays or at certain times.

7 months ago

If you are accepted at all, it can certainly take a year. It’s like that with almost all doctors at the moment. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄