Wie lange dauert es bis Weisheitszahn op abgeheilt ist?

Und zwar ist mein Problem das ich durch meine Weisheitszähne hinten an den Backenzähnen Löcher habe die dermaßen schmerzen verursachen dass ich garnichtmehr richtig essen kann.

da ich extremer Angst Patient bin müsste diese Operation unter Vollnarkose gemacht werden

glaubt ihr wenn ich als akut Patient drankommen würde das es irgendeine Chance gibt das die Wunden bis Weihnachten verheilt sind?


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3 months ago

Such an intervention under general anaesthesia must be planned, that is not the case from today to tomorrow…

Christmas (Feiertage) is on the door, this year will be nothing more…

Healing also takes several weeks…

If you’re in severe pain, you should still visit your dentist today, he’ll tell you what to do.

3 months ago

This takes a few weeks and in the first days it should be observed more precisely because the wound is fresh. For bleeding.

Dates last.

You can eat with it.

Take the other side.

You can also treat it provisionally.

Just go to the emergency service.

The tooth does not hurt, but the inflamed tissue around it.

They can pull a deep disinfection in, and that’s fine.

Scratch off the rust.

Make a temporary filling.

The tissue calms immediately.

Because the fault from the tooth comes as a cause.

Not pulling is only in extreme cases.

But you can do that later. Make it right.

Sometimes it doesn’t have to get out.

99% whining because it’s just annoying with the pain.

It’s hard to keep a clear head.

I almost fainted in an extraction.

It was pretty intense.

After an hour.

3 months ago
Reply to  Bluob080

Not all of your sentences are so important that they should be in their own paragraph

3 months ago
Reply to  Hoegaard




they were

3 months ago

No, no one does such an operation in the emergency service. Where’s the anesthesia?

Besides, you know for weeks that it’s not going well for long