Wie lange dauert es bis ein Testament eröffnet wird?

Hey, mein Opa ist Ende November gestorben, was sehr schlimm für mich war/ ist. Und meine Frage ist wie lange es ab Todes Tag dauert bis das Testament eröffnet wird. Sind ja jetzt schon mehr als 2 Monate, ist das normal?

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1 month ago

the question cannot answer precisely because the utilities of the courts are different, but I think this is still in the green area,

some time ago I found a complaint with the Oberlandesgericht by chance. an inheritance had not received a certificate after 7 years because the judge was overloaded. The request for a change of judges at the Oberlandesgericht was rejected, the justification, judge has no time would be acceptable…

so unfortunately as always with authorities… Patience is in demand!!

1 month ago

This came with us after ten or eleven months. This was due to the fact that we had done most of this before (the transfer of farms to my uncle, my mother’s payout – otherwise my grandpa would have had to decide everything until death or my mother would always have to allow everything – does not make any sense). And this handover and co we had to prove everything. In the end, after ten or eleven months, a letter came, where everything was listed and when the payouts were handed over.

1 month ago

Normally 6 to 8 weeks. But only heirs and authorized persons are notified.

But you’re not an inheritance except he mentioned extra in the will.

1 month ago
Reply to  Merry22

Then her post gets from the estate court once the will has been checked.

1 month ago

That depends on whether there are still uncertainties. b lost, potential heirs that must first be drilled.

1 month ago

Depending on the payload of the estate court, this can last until next year.