Wie lange dauert es bis der Alkohol seine Wirkung voll entfaltet?
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden hab(wenn man angenommen Schnaps trinkt) geht am Anfang der Alkohol in die Mund-/Hals-/Magen- Schleimhäute rein… der großteil vom Alkohol wird aber im Dünndarm aufgenommen und bis sich der Alkohol im Körper voll verteilt hat dauert bis zu einer Stunde.
Allgemein kann man sagen das sich der Alkohol zwischen 30-60 Minuten voll im Körper verteilt, und somit seine Wirkung entfaltet hat.
Verstehe ich das richtig?
Danke, Frage steht oben.
The alcohol has to be in the blood where it doesn’t just get there. He’ll be degraded as soon as he’s in the blood. So there is a delay and a maximum. DAS could be in the range of 0.5-1.0 h if you drink the whole alcohol at once. But nobody drinks like that! You usually drink several glasses over an evening and for a long time on a glass.
I thought it was for alcoholics to let the liquor down quickly.
And the alcoholic puts on the bottle, or does he drink from a glass?
My boss at the university once said he had found high percentages in the kitchen on StudiParty with nem buddy ne Fl, whereupon they made hot cocoa and almost two in half an hour had the bottle exuded (as Lumumba). After that he didn’t know much about the party until he woke up the next morning. So it’s gonna blow up more than if you had the same amount stretched all night, we say from 20:00-1:00!
To the point.
Plus dependency on what and how much you’ve eaten before. The more fat, the later the process in the intestine.
That’s why the Russians swallow bread with a lot of oil before they drink vodka…
Because the effect then flows softer and slower…
Right, but still comes!