Wie lange dauert es bis das Jobcenter die Reisekostenerstattet?

Ich war bei mehreren Vorstellungsgesprächen und mache gerade auch noch 3 Wochen lang ein Praktikum. Für die Reisekosten komme ich momentan selber auf. Die Anträge habe ich bereits gestellt und elektronisch eingereicht. Angerufen habe ich auch noch und wie üblich kriegt man immer dasselbe ausgesprochen “Die Kollegen bearbeiten bereits alles und es kann dauern bis das Geld erstattet oder überwiesen wird”. Was soll da bitte bearbeitet werden und wie lange noch? Ich kann das überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen, was die tun und wieso die das so in die Länge ziehen. Ehrlich, ich gebe mir unheimlich viel Mühe, um den Statt zu entlasten und tue absolut alles mögliche, um die beste Stelle zu bekommen und das klappt mittlerweile, denn die Chefs sind mit meine Leistungen sehr zufrieden und würden mich wahrscheinlich in den nächsten Tagen übernehmen. Die sind sich zu 90% sicher. Morgen, also sogar vor Ende des Praktikums, wollen die eine Entscheidung treffen und mir wahrscheinlich auch zusagen und das Praktikum dadurch vorzeitig beenden.

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7 months ago

I can’t even understand what they’re doing, and why they’re so lengthy.

“I cannot understand this at all!” – a sentence that many have said once when it comes to the bureaucracy in Germany. But before you go into the frustration, how about a thought experiment? Imagine you’d apply yourself to the job center and experience what really happens there.

Let’s say you got the job and it’s your first working day. You sit on a desk that bends under a mountain of files and requests. Your colleague Martin, who has been working at the Jobcenter for years, will explain the processes.

“So, first we have to check every application whether all necessary documents are attached,” says Martin and points to a stack of papers. “Then we need to compare the data with the data available and ensure that the journey was really necessary. Only after that we can get the cost refund into the way. ‘

“But that sounds relatively simple. Why does it take so long?” you wonder.

Martin sighs and smiles easily. “I thought so in the beginning. But there are so many details you have to consider. Every case is different. Some people submit their documents incompletely, others make mistakes in the information, and others have complicated situations that we need to consider. If we make a mistake, it can have great consequences. ‘

A few days later, you’ll get in touch with another colleague, Anna. She’s telling you about a case she’s working on. “I have a request from someone who had three interviews in different cities. The costs for this are all different, and I have to make sure that every trip is justified and that the costs are correctly charged. ‘

“And how long does it take?” ask curiously.

“That depends. If everything goes smooth, maybe a few days. But often something is missing, and then we have to catch up. Then everything is delayed. And if there are still telephone requests from applicants who ask for the status of their processing, it can continue to extend. ‘

“Now I slowly understand why all this takes so long,” you mumble and think back to the time you waited for your travel expenses.

At the end of the day you won a new perspective. You realize that it is not about intentionally pulling the processing into the length, but about making the process as accurate as possible. Any mistake could cost someone money or cause complications. Employees at the Jobcenter juggle daily with a variety of tasks and cases while trying to do everything correctly and in the sense of the applicant.

And maybe you think: “Yes, it takes time. But now I understand why.” You may even be willing not only to criticise, but also to contribute yourself by taking the challenge of improving the system from the inside. Imagine you could optimize the process so that the processing goes faster without the accuracy suffering. Wouldn’t that be an exciting task?

Either way, the phrase “I cannot understand it at all” will probably have a new meaning for you after this experience.

7 months ago
Reply to  FantastischF

I understand that the waiting time is frustrating, especially when travel costs are summed up. But it is positive that the travel costs are refunded at all. I find this MORE ALS TOLL (just my opinion). Imagine you would be self-employed (like many in Germany) – there would be no one to reimburse you the entire cost you spend to find or visit new customers. In such situations it is necessary to bear such expenditures. It is therefore an advantage that you have the opportunity to get back these expenses even if it takes a little longer.


7 months ago


Joah, it’s nice if you’re troubled, but currently there are still some vacations missing, then surely there are also some illnesses and lastly there are still some others who want something from the office.

You’re just gonna have to be patient now.

7 months ago

electronically submitted.

Paperwriting would have been better.

If the application has been accepted and processed at all, you can expect a few weeks.

7 months ago
Reply to  FantastischF

It may be safer for you, but is legally uncertain.

In the “Digitalization Desert” Germany, it is impossible to apply for everything electronically.

If you have bad luck, the email with the file in the electronic Nirvana has disappeared.

7 months ago

Of course, digital things can also be lost. Emails do not come to etc.

7 months ago

Jobcenter likes to act autonomously. That’s why it’s not bullshit.

Whether you send this via email or via the online platform.

Everything but no matter.

7 months ago

No bullshit. I don’t care if the job center wants this. You have the right to make this paper-writing. Ready.

7 months ago

For the first time, of course, I find it really great that you are so active and therefore will soon be rewarded with a job.

But as far as your refunds are concerned, please consider this:

  • It is a holiday period, many specialists: therefore, they should be on holiday, so that many of their colleagues are still engaged in their representation.
  • It can happen again and again that someone gets sick and whose work remains, if not other people jump in at short notice.
  • Your request isn’t the only one that’s being processed. There are many others who also want their concerns to be dealt with.

So please be patient, it will be!

7 months ago

You’re not the only one who wants something, so the stack is processed. You can’t expect it from one day to another.

especially since it is usually different people. One of them is working, the next one leads the transfer. It takes a few days alone.

and otherwise I have to have fun. How generous – you relieve the city. A very peculiar view when you take care of yourself.

7 months ago

You can expect that such a thing does not take several months, as it is very often the case. If others were to work like Praxen, for example, there would be tremendous problems.