Wie lange dauert eine Überweisung nach Belgien?
Guten Tag,
Wie lange dauert eine Überweisung von Deutschland nach Belgien?
Kein Sofortüberweisung, sondern eine normale.
Überweisung wurde an einem Freitag getätigt.
Guten Tag,
Wie lange dauert eine Überweisung von Deutschland nach Belgien?
Kein Sofortüberweisung, sondern eine normale.
Überweisung wurde an einem Freitag getätigt.
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It takes as long as it takes within Germany. Since you did not enter the filing form, only a period of time is allowed: entrance between Friday and Wednesday.
Don’t understand what you mean in submission form. Can you explain?
Evidence, on the machine, online.
Thanks for the hint, but this information was not in the original question.
The questioner has abandoned the transfer at Fr at 19.30. This is therefore unnecessary with “until Monday at the latest”.
Execution, not abandoned. Issued by the first representative bank. The credit has to be credited by Monday at the latest.
It’s not right. The questioner passed on the Fr at 19.30 h, so it will only arrive at the Di.
Did I show it differently? No.
That’s not true. Depends on how much time it was submitted. In German banks, online banking also makes the evening (18 o’clock, at some even 16 o’clock).
If it was transferred, the bank treats it as if only the next working day was transferred.
Finally, online banking (the hardware and software) also wants some rest on the weekend. They also have to rest from Fr 16 h to Mo 8 h.
Thanks for the info.
If the online transfer was still executed on Friday, the credit must be made no later than Monday. If the transfer is only executed on Monday, the credit must be made no later than Tuesday.
The transfer was made with an online banking.
What do you mean “confirmed”?
In principle, the same deadlines apply to transfers to Belgium as for domestic transfers, within the SEPA area, the rules are uniform.
Depending on the way in which the order was issued (online or on paper) and when it was received by the bank, the admissible term may extend until Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
I think that on Friday I transferred a sum to a Belgian account in online banking.
And when was that? Morning, afternoon, evening?
Then you can assume that your bank’s transfer will only be forwarded on Monday and will arrive on the recipient account at the latest on Tuesday.
Around 19:30
With Wise it takes a few seconds.
The money was not transferred with Wise, but through an online banking of the savings bank.