Wie lange dauert das synchronisieren von der Gallerie auf iCloud?

Sitze schon seit circa einer Stunde hier und auf der iCloud Website, haben sich so 15 fotos von selbst hochgeladen…

Wie lange dauert es so üblicherweise, bis alle Daten rüber und sicher sind?

habe um die 8000 Fotos und Videos insgesamt.

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2 months ago

It always depends on different things: your bandwidth (upload and download)

The number of pictures

and in which format or whether they were taken into RAW photos, for example, because they have more MB.

I could only mention an example:

we will take you 250mbits with 50 Mbit upload

and all images have 5 MB that would take around the turn one hour and 47 minutes.

2 months ago

Mostly, this depends on your internet connection. Videos can be giant files from many GB, which can slow down the whole extremely.

Simply leave the iPhone on stream and in Wi-Fi overnight. You can also tap your profile image in the photos.app, where you can see the Sync status