Wie lange darf sich eine Bank Zeit lassen, einen Fahrzeugbrief an den ehemaligen Besitzer zu senden?

Wir haben vor zwei Wochen das Fahrzeug bezahlt, den Brief haben wir immer noch nicht 🤨 Da hockt die Bank des Verkäufers noch drauf.

Es steht nicht angemeldet in unserer Einfahrt, ergo auch nicht versichert. Anmelden geht nur mit dem Brief. Können wir da als Käufer schon Druck machen?

Immerhin würden wir auf jeglichen Schäden sitzenbleiben, falls was passiert.

Sind wir zu ungeduldig, oder muss so was deutlich schneller gehen?

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1 year ago

Did the bank even agree to the redemption?

I’d rather be careful with that.

This can take 2-4 weeks, unfortunately, is not rare.

1 year ago
Reply to  michi57319

I would be impatient about that too

just questioning doesn’t hurt.

1 year ago

Um, wait a minute.

You bought a car from a stranger who was still in a financing?

If not, the letter will be respected.

1 year ago

Well, in the case, it’s gonna take a long time, the bank has to make sure that you are actually the new owners of the vehicle. Otherwise, not the bank is your contact person but the seller, because this is contractual partner with the bank. He gave you the papers to the vehicle, and only then would I pay the car. But I almost think the tip is too late, right?

1 year ago
Reply to  michi57319

The procedere was wrong from the front. Purchase price to the bank against delivery of the letter. The train is about train

1 year ago
Reply to  michi57319

It’s inconceivable that we are now the owners.

Right, you’re owners, because the car is in front of you and you have the power to do it. But the bank must make sure that you are also the owner of the vehicle. Ownership and property is a big difference.

1 year ago

Your bank? Where to ask and why? Ever heard of data protection?

1 year ago

You’re throwing a lot of technical terms around you, but it doesn’t matter to you. Even if there is still a residual debt on the vehicle, but the creditworthiness is given, another Daelehen can be granted.
But credit in the sense of the Schufa does not mean that he also holds on everything and always takes care of everything. These are things, only the contractors have an influence on them.
There are no details in the Schufa, such as twice the rate not paid, false certificate of merit, or similar.

1 year ago

There is no answer to this, the child has fallen in the wells. The fact is that the seller would have been allowed to sell you the car without his bank’s commitment, because it is the bank’s security.
I don’t want to paint the devil on the wall, but if you’ve already paid the car, and there’s still a residual debt on the loan, you don’t have a claim to the vehicle, and the money is gone.

1 year ago

Yes, but there is another contract in between, namely the one with the bank and the seller of the vehicle.

1 year ago

If the seller has deposited the vehicle letter as a credit guarantee, of course, this credit must not be redeemed until it releases the letter. Actually, he shouldn’t have sold the vehicle freely. That means you should have paid the purchase price to the bank.

The bank could even refuse to issue if the amount of credit has not been replaced.

1 year ago

so you paid to the seller

tja, it seems he didn’t transfer it to the bank. or the amount is not enough. or it lacks an amount and the letter is simply not released.

if the credit is cancelled prematurely, the bank requires a prepayment of default.

Your contact is the seller

1 year ago
Reply to  peterobm

Right. You don’t do that. Let’s hope the best. I also sold financed cars, told Sparkasse and they sent me the letter. After that, I had 4 weeks to pay while the buyer can go home with all the documents.