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Until you’re 18. All year round.
As long as she wants.
Use time and learn spelling.
18 years?
My same thought…
There are no prescribed rules for this. This is their personal decision.
Until the 25th anniversary Year
That’s bullshit!
So everyone has his opinion and I stay with my opinion!
Basically, you can decide your own place of residence as soon as you are 18. That means you can take off without your parents’ consent. That would be Hausarest over the age of 18 out.
Does not mean that you have a legal claim to an apartment with 18; see above: only from 25, so you can give your house arrest by the end of 24
40 years ago, at22. March 1974, the German Bundestag decided by a large majority theReduction of agefrom 21 to 18 years.
As long as you live with her
You want to say that she can lock me in at home until I’m 18 or what
You must get out to go to school.
But in the future you will no longer build a crap and your house arrest will be lifted
as long as she wants. What did you do?
Without reason, she gave me home best because I said my mind
First of all, there is house arrest and secondly you contradict yourself here: First you write, there was no reason, but then you call one.
I would also be interested in how exactly You said your opinion. You really must have insulted your mother so that she has taken such a measure! So, what did you say to her?
the same as her with me
she had also insulted me
What sound did you say that to her?
No, I didn’t insult her, she told me what I’m doing wrong and I told her that she’s doing some things wrong.
How long she wants
You want to say that she can lock me in at home until I’m 18 or what
No, you can get out of school
As long as the child continues to go to school and meets the same age and if it takes part in the normal family day at home, house arrest is generally allowed for a few days. However, if the house arrest falls under the law so-called “degrading measures”, it is not permitted.
There is also that it is only allowed a few days
§ 1631 para. 2 BGB Actions for Freedom
Where is the right?
I have the right to go out and play with my friends